Fun with heavy machinery

There are few things quite so easy as coming to grief when using heavy machinery. By all reports nobody was hurt, but that was before they had to tell the boss.

You know it's a bad day when...

It tried to tunnel out

Farm equipment down a hole

Actually I'd love to know the real story for this one. Most sheds don't have a large hole in them.

Roll over... good truck.

Mining tipper - upside down

What ute?

What ute? A ute crushed under a mining tipper

Nah mate, it'll be right...oops

Forklift pulled over by the weight of its load

The reason you should always measure your load height

Excavator which nearly fit under a bridge

You know... it's getting a bit wet, might have to pack it in until the rain stops.

Sunk Cat excavator

Sunk Cat dozer

You'll be right so long as you avoid the pond...

Can't even tell what's sunk into this iced-over pond